A lucky category win and a well-deserved podium in Austria
At the first weekend of the Eset GT Sprint, we started the season well with two second places in our category at the Balaton Park
At the first weekend of the Eset GT Sprint, we started the season well with two second places in our category at the Balaton Park
Gábor Tim returned from rallying to track racing in the FIA Swift Cup Europe in the year 2020, where he immediately won the championship title.
Gábor Tim has the seventh championship title of his career within an arm’s reach, he only has to complete two more races on the Brno
A bajnokság során voltunk fent és voltunk lent. Sokkal nehezebben indult a szezon, mint a 2020-as. Persze, ettől még nem estünk kétségbe, de tudtuk, hogy
Egy felemás hétvégénk volt Lengyelországban, egy futamot sikerült megnyerni, de nagy kár a harmadik versenyért, ahol kilöktek. A bajnokságot vezetjük, de ebben a hétvégében sokkal
The fourth weekend of this year’s FIA Swift Cup Europe took place on the race track in Poznan. Gábor Tim, the leader of the championship
Gábor Tim, the reigning FIA Swift Cup Europe champion, awaited the third weekend of the championship with a 16-point-lead, which was organised at the Salzburgring
Jelentős pontelőnnyel érkeztünk meg a Swift Cup Europe idei szezonjának utolsó hétvégéjére, a hazai versenyünkre, melyet a Hungaroringen rendeztek. Még matematikailag bőven elbukhattuk volna a
he fourth round of the 2020 Swift Cup Europe took place at Slovakiaring, where the international field visited for the second time this year.This time
The news just came in July; after a 4-year gap Gábor Tim is once again pulling on the track racing uniform. His returning was a
After winning the 2016 Scoda Octavia Cup championship title the doors to the world of track racing were closed for Gábor Tim. Over the past
Tim has been participating on Szilveszter Rallye since 2010, which is the last race of the season. He won his first in 2016, and since
Visszanéznéd a teljes Eger Rallye versenyünk teljes egészében? Ezt most megteheted!
The first weekend of the new season brought Tim a category and an overall victory, but it wasn’t easy at all, because the duo almost
Már az első hétvégén, az Eger Rallye-n megszereztük Rallye2-es pályafutásunk második, és az idei év első győzelmét. Megnyertük az abszolút értékelést, kategóriát, és maximumom pontot
Hagyományos évzáró versenyünk a Szilveszter Rallye. Immár elmondhatjuk, hogy sorozatban harmadszor nyertünk kategóriát, sőt most az összetett 14. helyre sikerült odaérni egy R2-es Peugeot-val!
The Tim – Timár duo participated on the 20th Szilveszter Rallye this year aswell, and delivered a proper finish with a category victory. It was
Tim needed one race only to pick up the pace in Rallye2, with a decent final stage the duo won the Miskolc Rallye! After conquering
The Year of 2017 had one more challenge for the multiple national and international champion Tim. He won the 2000cc category last year, and this
Those, who following Gabor’s carreer should know, that the multiple-time Hungarian champion is participating in Rallye events this year. With his friend and co-driver Tamas
Tim’s racing career turned in another direction. After won every series that he participated in (Swift Cup, RCM Cup, Skoda Octavia Cup) Gábor landed in
The threefold Hungarian, and Octavia Cup 2016 champion couldn’t continue his previous career, so he decided to compete on MARB Rallye races with his co-pilot
Gábor Tim, the champion of Skoda Octavia Cup 2016 tried to stay in the world of track racing to fulfill his dreams, but the budget
After claiming the Skoda Octavia Cup championship title Gabor had only one race left for this year. He’s a participator in Szilveszter Rallye since 2010,
Tough but also successful – these are the two words that can describe our season which became difficult mostly because of financial issues. Nevertheless, Apex